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How many is too many?

Facebook has been around since 2004. I myself did not join until 2009. I started off with just a few friends and now I have close to 1,000. Most of my "friends" on there I never will see or talk to. I use to just add people just because I went to school with them or met them one time. I am more particular now that I have aged some and to be honest I am not post as much as I use to. It is just not a thing a worry about anymore.  I do have a really good friend though (one that has to be the center of attention at all times). You know the friend...the really loud one that loves drama! We are complete opposites and she gets on my nerves at times, but I love her for some strange reason. The point is that she adds EVERYONE on Facebook. I mean she will add for example my boyfriend's friend's cousin that HE only has met like twice. I forgot to mention that her and I date brothers so it is not as weird as it sounds to be adding one my my boyfriend's friend's whoever,

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